By the time my ears finish thawing out, I'm gonna have to head out again to my next class. Just thought I'd stop by and say a general hello to the world at large (or, you know, my readership of about 2, 3 people? 4, tops?).
It took half a bloody hour just to hand in my Astronomy assignment. There has GOT to be a better system than that. Gah. Well, it's handed in, and hopefully they won't tell me I handed in my assignment twice somehow, like they did with the last assignment -- I had two different marks because apparently I handed in my assignment twice, or one of my group members (um, what? I did it by myself) handed one in also. *shrugs* Didn't have much time to work on Assignment 2 -- the management accounting assignment was due on Tuesday, and so I pretty much did all of this assignment on Wednesday night, save for half of the last question, which asked what you would see if you were standing on the surface of Titan (Saturn's largest moon). This was hard to Google about, though, because in reality Titan has a 300 kilometer thick smoggy haze around it, and this question assumes it's an unusually clear day (i.e., there's no smog). BUT since this isn't the way things really are, Google couldn't tell me much.
Oh hey -- tomorrow might be the first Friday all term where I don't have to come down to the campus! Yay! I'm supposed to have Fridays off anyway because I don't have classes, but with all the group assignments and such it's been the unofficial meeting-up day of my week. Will be a nice change to not be here tomorrow.
Whenever some mentions somewhere I've been to in Italy, these days, I start thinking wistfully of going back there. Italy's, like, nice or something. And sure, the slow lifestyle over there would most likely have eventually driven me mad, but it was good for a while, wasn't it?
Anyway, gotta go to class now so ttyal.
Ciao a tutti.